Mental Health

We all need good mental health and wellbeing. It is essential to living happy and healthy lives. Good mental health helps us sleep better, feel better, do the things we want to do and have more positive relationships. It can also help us deal with difficult times.

Our team is sympathetic to the needs of patients dealing with mental health issues. We recommend that those struggling with their mental health should make an appointment with their GP so they can get the right help, in the right place at the right time.

Here are some resources to help you:

  • See our Online Consult page with information and advice about mental health and links to booking an appointment with us.
  • NHS advice on mental health conditions, self-help, mental health charities and other support services.
  • The NHS Every Mind Matters pages have wellbeing tips, advice on how to deal with life’s challenges and more.
  • The Mental Health Foundation focuses on prevention and their website has information to help you to look after your mental health.
  • Mind and body go hand in hand, so visit Better Health for lots of free tools and support to help you kickstart your physical health too.
  • SelfHelp provides a range of support, services and opportunities across the North West of England, for people living with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, phobias and panic attacks.