In response to spiralling bills and soaring costs which are set to affect tens of thousands of Mancunians, Manchester City Council has announced a package of support and a crisis helpline to provide one-stop-shop for people needing advice and help.
It is estimated that the cost-of-living crisis could adversely affect up to 100,000 households in Manchester this winter. The £8m will be used to provide support through the expansion of welfare schemes as well as helping to provide access to food. A cost-of-living emergency in Manchester has been formally declared.
The following resources have been made available:
- Cost of Living Advice Line – Get advice on how to access support this winter. Runs Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm. Telephone: 0800 023 2692
- Financial support page – this page details the Council’s Welfare Provision Scheme offer, making it easy for residents who are financial difficulty or crisis to apply for grants and support.
- Helping Hands – signposts residents to a library of debt and money advice and support. The pages have been expanded to include additional resources across a range of topics that residents affected by the cost-of-living crisis are experiencing.
Additional steps will also be made available to residents will include:
- Free school meals being expanded throughout the holiday period this winter.
- The Local Welfare Fund will be expanded in order to provide emergency hardship support.
- A food offer with dedicated call handlers who can help callers find a food offer, whether that is a foodbank, pantry service or dedicated meal provision. Support will also be offered to ensure that food providers in the city have sufficient storage, and funding will be made available for culturally appropriate food offerings.
Ourselves, the Council and its other health partners will be getting in touch with residents about Winter wellbeing information, including Flu and Covid-19 vaccination details set within help around food, heating and household bills linked to the Cost-of-Living crisis.
Please click here for more information.